18 Replies to “Swedish songwriter shares secrets to perfect pop”

  1. Secret to be a good basketball player, you just have to be tall. Secret to be a good songwriter, just borrow (or steal if you prefer) from other songs because every melody phrase that works sonically was already discovered and used by others. Take one borrowed short phrase and combine it with another borrowed phrase and voila. You have a melody that consists of two short phrases that are already proven on the market. Only caveat is you have do disguise it well to avoid legal disputes. I am 99% sure that every one of those hits was 'inspired' by some other song melody phrase. Which doesn't make those guys less capable, that is not an easy task to acomplish.

  2. Jeez I knew I'd heard that song before but I couldn't put my finger on who. I haven't heard this song since 2001 when I was a child, truly amazing.

  3. The secrets he told you are "heritage and tradition" (and he added "obviously") Right then, I've got a bit of that so I'm off to write me some hits!

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