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Rhymesayers Entertainment:

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43 Replies to “Aesop Rock is the best lyricist on the planet.”

  1. Intertertexuality is just mashed potatoes. Maybe there's some carrots involved but, just mainly mashed potatoes. Honestly, no offense but, i haven't finished it yet, and i see is intertextuality as a lame response to his lyrics

  2. Aesop Rock will probably never become highly popular during his own lifetime but it’s so obvious to anyone who’s really listened to his work that he will transcend time and one hundred, one thousand years from now he will be talked about in the same way classical artists are talked about today; I’m not being hyperbolic either, he is literally a genius, his writing skills are on par or better than any classical writer you want to put forth

  3. Great video and analysis, however I think you got the Jekyll and Hyde reference backwards… he's saying that the weed keeps him from going to the dark place, keeps him somewhat even… not the other way around… Hyde being the evil actor .. at least that's how I interpreted it.

  4. Man I am just sad that I have never heard about him .
    But I want to be enlightened with more of his music please help.

  5. He and I share a birthday. I never had anyone to even remotely relate to prior to discovering his music check out some of my material and let me know if you see a correlation between our styles

  6. You could just make a video with this title and various verses from songs.. There is no debate he is untouchable.

  7. Hes more than a rapper. he's a lyrical painter. His lyrics are so random and visual. Like a spewing stream of consciousness from a deep intelligent and humorous genius. Only person id put up there with aesop is MF doom. Both are very similar in many ways.

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