Singer-Songwriter Sia goes through the motions of putting together a new song. Amazing!! (abc news)
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22 Replies to “How Sia and her songwriter come up with new single”

  1. Did she turn this into an actual song yet? Because I can’t get it out of my
    has and I love it. I’ve been searching but so far I got nothing?

  2. I love the big grin that suddenly spreads over the reporters face at 1:00 .
    That’s the grin of a man witnessing creational genius at work. ?

  3. J’espère vraiment que cette chanson sera sur son prochain album. Je serais
    trop fan qu’elle en sorte un en 2015. C’est un génie de la musique elle
    pourrait en sortir un tous les ans tellement elle est talentueuse.. Je
    t’aime Sia <3.?

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