Outstanding singer / songwriter Courtney Patton talks about her album ‘SO THIS IS LIFE’ in Jack Ingram’s Songwriter Series.

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18 Replies to “Courtney Patton feature on The Texas Music Scene Jack Ingram's Songwriter Series”

  1. You have every bit of the talent, emotion and soul as the very best. I love listening to you. Jesse Colter is my lifelong favorite female singer untíll i happened to hear you and I was hooked immediately. i look forward to every interview, news and every song. I'm a true fan for life.

  2. I don't know what I love the most, you're incredible ability to put words together so beautifully or the way you bring them to life with your voice. Since I am an 80 year old married man I'll leave it at that, in spite of the fact that you are cute as a button.

  3. Courtney, I happened by chance to listen, first to 'take your shoes off Moses' and fell in love with you. They don't come much prettier than you and with the voice of an angel. I'm hooked. Love you and your music !!!!

  4. You and Jamie Lin Wilson are both inspirations to me. I play an Ibanez electric acoustic, and Oscar Schmidt autoharp, and the piano. I sing alto/2nd soprano. I get up with a song on my heart and my mind, and I go to bed with the same. The only time I think I'll never be singing or playing something is when i die and then I'm going to be singing in heaven. There aren't a lot of female guitar players

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