50 Replies to “2 hours non stop christian praise and worship songs with lyrics”

  1. false song… God doesn't give and take away. what kinda cruel God would be be…. he gives you health… and takes away. false lyrics. God's blessings are there until we give them away to Satan through sin

  2. All praise be to God ? I Love hearing worship songs whenever I am. It made my day more peacefully and faithful in our God Jesus Christ ? ?. Have a bless day everyone. .May Our God shower us more blessings in everyday ?

  3. When i heard this song i really felt like baby crying. My tears falling from my eyes. Im so thankful to God.

    His really a great God, great healer.

    He rescued me from accident i committed.

    And now i fully well and fine. Still alive !! ??????

  4. My prayer is for all my Republicans candidates people of faith let them win this midterm election majority in Senate and congress plus state representatives according to your Word whatever you ask if you believe you will receive it in the mighty name of Jesus amen

  5. I am a FIRM BELIEVER in our LORD JESUS CHRIST ….. had Covid in Jan and was shot down in a deep depression and anxiety….. prescription that I had to take made me more depressed and in my lowest I had remember when HE said BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD ….. I had cut off all family and friends …. But I NEVER gave up …. My progression is coming on better now I will hold onto his hands cuz psalm 139 says if you sink to a bottomless pit or go to the farthest part of the earth he is WITH us … so anyone reading this hold on to HIS hands and ride out your storm ??????

  6. Listening to 'Mighty to save' song after many months…it was one of my favourite and I've neglected for avery long time since I've drifted far aways from Him…still the corner soft heart is there no matter the temptations comes again and again? I hope that it will be better day since I forgot what pastor during conference

    'By the grace of God, I'm getting better and better and better and better'???

  7. I thank Christ Jesus for not changing mind, stay the course crossed finish line. He's in heaven interceding for me. And all who trust and believe in Father, Son and the Holy Spirit will receive e eternal life. ???

  8. The gospel, which is the good news of the Bible, is the work of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and what He did on the cross for all of humanity.
            But, before talking about Jesus and the cross, we need to look at the problem of humanity, the problem every one of us is faced with. Despite the efforts of any person, we cannot earn our way to heaven. Romans 3:23 says: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,". Anyone can examine themselves and know that even though, yes, sometimes we can do good, we also do evil at times. We commit moral crimes, and we rebel against God, which the Bible calls sin. We lie, we steal, we blaspheme God, and we can lust and have hate for our brother in our hearts. These are just some of the sins more than likely every person on earth has committed. We do this because we are born with a sin nature, it is a disease of the heart and we need a cure. God is loving, holy and merciful among other attributes but He is also just, perfectly just. Like any crime, sin has to be punished. If God did not punish sin, then He would be unjust. He would be corrupt. Someone has to take the punishment. Romans 6:23 says: "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.". This is talking about spiritual death, not physical death; if you die in your sins then you go to hell. There is good evidence that humans have souls. Near-death experiences are one of those evidences. There is a part of you that lives on past your physical body. 

           God sent His only Son to earth about 2000 years ago, His Son is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the promised Savior of the world. He fulfilled hundreds of prophecies by coming to and being in our world. Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and was crucified on the cross as a payment for our sins. God poured out His wrath on Jesus in our place, meaning the justice of God is satisfied and sin is punished. While we were still at enmity with God, God still wants to save us, Romans 5:8 says: "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.". Three days after Jesus was crucified, He rose again proving that His payment was enough and that He was who He said He was, the Son of God. There is real-world evidence for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This is not just a nice story.
           Scripture tells us to repent, to put our trust in Jesus, and to follow Him as Lord. Repentance means a change of mind which means to turn from a life following sin to a life following Christ. Salvation is a free gift and it cannot be earned. No one can be perfectly moral on their own, it is impossible. This is the only way to be in the presence of God in heaven. It is important to reiterate that we cannot save ourselves; it is the gift of God for one to be saved. God is rich in mercy and ready to forgive, cry out to Him, be sincere when coming to God, this is not a flippant thing. Repent and place your trust in Jesus Christ alone, today is the day of salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 says: "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.". Salvation is a gift. When we are saved we become a child of God forever, nothing can separate us from Him. He gives us a new heart, He will guide us in life and help us to grow to be more like Christ.
           There is no other way, Jesus Himself said that He is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through Him. Jesus is not just a way, a truth or a life. Romans 10:9 says: "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;".

  9. Uplifting Christian music like this is a necessity today because most of the music we can hear around us is all about self and not God. Many kinds of music are about how to feel good and want and not about wanting God and His goodness. This kind of music will help us to be spiritually right along with meditating on God's word. If we will be spiritually right, we can be psychologically right, and it will lead to the right action that will result in the right accomplishment.

  10. I thank God for all the songs that on this station that I had praised and when I went down in prayer and when I went down in prayer I asked the Lord to bless me with some songs that's Comfort to me as I pray and he did God bless everyone and this message on the praise songs in Jesus name amen

  11. Thank you so much lord jesus for your goodness even im a sinner … I love you lord jesus everytime im listening to all the songs my tears fell down and remember me how good is our god… He saw me the miracle when i was in prison in malaysia he show that im not alone fighting for my battle until i went back here in Philippines .. i love you lord jesus… Even now while im typing im still crying

  12. I was in new age before Christ, i encounter the Lord Jesus while practicing new age and rebuked me for my false spiritual practice, after I encounter the Lord through the Power of the Holy Spirit, I felt His Love and His presence in the fullness of His Glory on that day and I was forgiven to all my Sin! Today I surrender everything to the Lord, I am His Soldier and Evangelist! Thank you Lord Jesus!

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