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23 Replies to “Why Semi-Hollows Guitars are BETTER for Songwriting & Inspiration! #MyPRS”

  1. I suppose I can see a point that a semi-hollow guitar is better for songwriting than a solid body electric unplugged but with all due respect the sound does not compare to an acoustic. I have an acoustic guitar with a tele neck and another with a neck that is similar to an electric guitar and they address the issue of playability. Whatever works to inspire when the moment strikes is the guitar to use. 😉

  2. So…..semi-hollows are more inspiring and better simply because they are louder? It's volume that inspires nowadays? Sounds kinda silly to be 100% honest. Possibly EASIER to hear, I'll certainly buy that……but BETTER/more INSPIRING? SMH

  3. TTK, another great video! I agree about the semi hollow thing. I have a Hamer Artist and it's often a go to for me. Not only for the acoustic properties, but the weight and the plugged in tone.

  4. After 36 years of playing, I finally picked up my first semi-hollow electric this year. It's an Ibanez AS200 which is more synonymous with jazz than rock (the latter being my first and foremost style). One thing I love about it, is that it it makes me approach guitar playing differently… makes me think a little outside of my usual comfort zones. 🙂

  5. I have to second your thoughts on playing a guitar unplugged to sort out the best sounding one. This is as true for guitar as it is for bass. You have to hear and feel the instrument resonating, how it reacts. From this you are able to assume the amplified sound.
    I always decide that way when I'm after a new bass guitar.

  6. playing shows, i like HEAVY bodied ibanez rg520qs, with locking trems, rosewood boards, they sound dead unplugged. playing around the house, i prefer strat style, non locking, maple boards… they sound louder unplugged… typically its like the RG's are like my 'work' guitars, and the other ones are like my play guitars. no way could they be replaced or switched for eachother. glad i no longer g.a.s. for guitars. got a pile of rg520q's and a pile of ibanez rx, and ex, and fender usa strats. never took to any semihollows however. tried many. TONEKING!!! m/ one of those badboys!

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