Things understood need no explanation. This was sung by and for #ADOS. Just like the Bible was written by and for #Israelites. #ADOS and #DOS are #Israelites according to history and the Bible.


49 Replies to “Lift Every Voice and Sing with Lyrics”

  1. Beautiful song not going to lie speacially “sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us” that part is “DEEP” as shit like forgetting our past will only make younger generations think its ok to enslave people or oppress them because it is not on our history books or statues, so lets keep those statues and replace those taken down to remember of the wrong doing we did and the ones that can be avoided in the future.

  2. Where’s the white national anthem… or the Asian national anthem. How about the trans-bisexual-female-Latinx national anthem? Are those gonna be played too? Ohhh we just have ONE national anthem that stands for all. Okay. That works.

  3. Who here saw the Hodgson Twins speak on why they gotta take a knee during a devicive "black"national anthem? Some beautiful lyrics there though, especially at the end. God bless a diverse and beautiful gathering of all colors of people United in His blessing! Thumbs up to God

  4. I like it and i dont. If you are born in America you become a native of America. Not a direct blood line if the original natives. And i dont like the name either. If you want people to listen to give it a chance that are closed minded instead of naming it “black national anthem” it should be something along the lines if the new generations anthem. I feel like then it would get more attention and more people would give it a chance. I also feel like the verses that refer to slavery be taken out. Not to ignore slavery but if you stop talking about racism it will eventually fade away. If you fight it aggressively then it will cause racist to fight the same way. And will cause them to preach about their beliefs. I also think that it should be shorter so it will be easier to remember. If its easy to remember then the less likely itll fade away.

  5. Got a 3 game suspension today at my baseball game for kneeling during this to protest that Americans should all be united under one national anthem. I find this being called the black national anthem extremely racist. We get called out for being racist but then they pull out this… SMH

  6. this is the most racist bullshit I've ever heard of… we have one national anthem.. when was this piece of trash voted in as our national anthem? this is the exact kind of crap that keeps we the people from being just that.. More racism to keep the people separate while the 2 party system we are forced to stomach rapes our country….A.L.M.

  7. From the previous comments, it is clear to me that you have not experienced the lack of hope that was a part of the Black American Experience…Slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow, Racism, and now Denial Of Atrocities. Either wake up or shut up!

  8. This comment section reeks of lack of research. Firstly, no one is defacing Lincoln statues. A quick google search will prove this. Secondly, this song wasn’t sung FOR Abraham Lincoln it was just sung at his birthday but the song was for black people. Thirdly, this song isn’t glorifying slavery, it talking about liberation FROM slavery. Listen to the words with wisdom.

  9. “Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met thee;

    Lest our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget thee;

    Shadowed beneath thy hand
    May we forever stand.
    True to our God, True to our native land.”

    We sing this in church at least once a year. It’s not a national anthem, but all the folks in this nation who have rejected God and hate America need to hear these words. James Weldon Johnson (the author) was a patriot.

  10. How is this a national anthem and to what nation does it belong cuz we are one nation under God and this is like saying we are 2 nations and we are not and anyone that pushes for this shall bear the responsibility of any violence or war that comes with it.

  11. This was a song that is as black people adopted as a national anthem bc for the majority of American history, we were seen as others and separate from whites. This is a song for our unity and our own power. It was NOT written for Abe Lincoln, only for his birthday and was a message to America that there is an issue at stake. I LOVE MY BLACK BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND WE SHALL ONE DAY BE EQUAL IN THIS LAND ??

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