Harlan Steinberger, director of Hen House Studios in Venice, CA, draws on his recent experiences expanding Hen House into music publishing in order to offer some advice on the importance of songwriting (and the attendant publishing income) to a successful career in music.


14 Replies to “Harlan Steinberger On Songwriting, Publishing and Your Future Success”

  1. I have a question, i'm not understanding why BMI has switched the settings to composer to arranger? What does that mean for as registration? I'm used to registering my songs as the producer and the writer. A while ago, bmi would let you register to get 100 percent of the composer right and writer with your publishing. Now they have switched it to arranger instead of composer. I'm not understanding why they are doing that. This just happened today i noticed

  2. Attention Music Publishers,
    My Pastor's wife wrote amazing Lyrics and tunes to several Gospel songs that would make a success if she could get them Published . It would be awesome if Dolly Pardon or someone who loves Jesus Christ would make this possible.
    My email is: hellofrompam@aol.com

  3. my son is a very creative songwriter, he uses an online music program but he creates his music NOTE BY NOTE, sings, also and is musically inclined and has taught himself how to play a few instruments..must take a listen …His name is DANNY NELSON, from Campbell, Ca. and you can get to his music on soundcloud take a listen to "ARE YOU LOOKING UP"

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