Want a 9 plus hour master class in session guitar playing? Check out Tim Pierce’s Making The Song Here:


Want to kick your playing up a notch? Check out the website and take your playing from copying other peoples licks to creating your own!


Got a song request? Click the link below to enter your request. If I choose your request you will have a chance at getting a $10 guitar center gift card.

Looking for more free in depth instruction? Check out the videos below where I cover everything from acoustic strumming to how master your fretboard in the major and minor pentatonic soloing series.

Interested in learning how to solo better? Want to understand how and why your favorite artists solos sound so good? Click on one of the free video series below.

Major Pentatonic:

Minor Pentatonic:

Want to tighten up your acoustic strumming and rhythm guitar playing check out the strumming tutorial here:

Want a couple of drum tracks to practice your rhythm or soloing? Click on the links below:

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papastache102/
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If you liked what you saw and got value from the lesson share with friends! Thanks for watching!!!

Check out Tim’s new 9 hour guitar course trailer here:

Tim Pierce Links:
YouTube Channel:

The Professor – Tim Pierce – LA Session Guitarist – Overdubbing – Guitar Songwriting Tips Lesson Brett Papa papastache102 papastachepop papastache


36 Replies to “The Professor – Tim Pierce – LA Session Guitarist – Overdubbing – Guitar Songwriting Tips – Lesson”

  1. Perhaps Tim should have told this guy that the vocalist is HORRIFIC – and therefore ruins this whole song – which also can't decide whether it wants to be Rock or Country.

  2. Tim Pierce has given me a completely different appreciation of the music industry and what is happening back stage. You wonder why there are all these people on stage during a concert and they are half the people playing on the album.

  3. Sounds like a cliche, but it is true. Soloing on an instrument is like sex ideally. Start slow and gentle keeping the rhythm in the pocket, build steadily to a forceful peak climax, and fade away in the afterglow. It is an emotional rollercoaster, but you don't want it to derail.

  4. Tim and Lukather have the talent to sit, listen, play, and it works. I am still stunned at how many guitar plays dont get Steve Lukather or a Tim Pierce….you want a hit record, hire Luke! It is simply the talent to know what to play and not to play for each song. that is a rare talent and why so few make most of the music. enter the band TOTO and the boys that plays on about 10k records! What he says about Eric Johnson is really important…his style is so individual he cannot not be Eric, where Luke and Tim can be 100 different players so the artist gets the credit and not overshadowed…"Beat It" hired Eddie to be Eddie and it worked on ONE song…not an album, but Luke played guitar and bass on that track and nobody knew it.

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