Before you start to write a freestyle rap song, you want to take the time to prepare yourself to write. This is a key to writing a rap song. We are going to discuss a few tips on how to get ready to write. Some of the preparation involves mental preparation. Some of the preparation involves physical preparation. We will look at both aspects.
There are a lot of different ways to get prepared mentally to write. Some people will pray or meditate. Sometimes songwriters will get into their writing zone. When they are in this zone, they are really totally immersed and focused on writing. Other writers will get themselves really psyched up or hyped up to write. Others will slow their activities and minds way down. A lot of times this what is done will depend on the timing or feeling they have for the song.
Another way to prepare yourself is to decide what you are going to write with, where you are going to write and what you are going to write on. Let’s talk about each of these.
When you are getting ready to write, preparation as to where you are going to write can be very important. A lot of writers like to have a desk or table that is cleared off and a comfortable chair to sit in. Other writers want to write by their keyboard. Other writers like to write in a room secluded from everyone else. It does not matter where you decide to write your freestyle rap song, just as long as your location helps you to write your best lines and rhymes.
Now we just discussed where to prepare yourself to write, but we also want to discuss what you want to write on. Now even though we talked about writing on tables or desks earlier, this also applies to this section. In addition to whether you write on a table or desk, you want to look at the paper you write on.
There are often stories of how a song was written on a napkin or a plate or a pizza box, but from a professional standpoint, you probably want to write on some kind of paper. Now I know of rap songwriters that prefer to write on a fresh clean tablet. If they have used the tablet previously, they will take off the used sheets, so that the tablet is clean. This really helps the songwriter write fresh material.
The final piece of preparation is deciding what you are going to write with. Now, I personally have a particular kind of pencil that I prefer to write with. I like the thing mechanical pencils. If I am going to use a pen, then I have a couple of favorite pens that I prefer to write with. Again these are preferences, but they all go into helping the writer to write their best songs.
Each of these tips will help you to prepare to write a freestyle rap song. Each of these tips will help you to write better and more professional rap songs that may be the next big song.
To Your Freestyle Rap Song Success,
Mike Min