1. We allow ourselves the opportunity to grow and reach our potential. Self-esteem comes from solving our problems. If we escape our problems with alcohol and/or other drugs we prevent ourselves from learning and growing.
2. When we give ourselves the freedom to grow, alcohol free, we discover our talents and capabilities. We find happiness.
3. We have better relationships, with ourselves, with our families and with other people. We are more capable of doing our jobs better and improving all aspects of our life.
4. We enjoy a higher standard of living. We have better health and live longer. We have better attitudes and more success in life.
5. We save a lot of money.
6. We become good examples – good role models. We then can contribute to the good of our family and to society.
7. We are more spiritual. When we give our freedom away to alcohol and/or other drugs we are controlled and find it is almost impossible to be close to our Father-in-Heaven.
8. When we choose to abstain we have greater peace, love and contentment in our life.
These are the things I have discovered from living a life free of alcohol and drugs. When I was young I used alcohol as a crutch and a social way of life. When I found I could live life better without alcohol, I discovered these truths. They are true in my life and seem to be true in most of the other people’s lives that I know who also don’t drink alcohol or use drugs. In my experience, a drug free life brings freedom and happiness.