
I’ve heard many views and opinions on this subject but I would like to look at this matter without adding any guilt to either side, having sex on the first date is just a one line sentence, but there are a lot of ways that this can be looked at.

If a couple had just met for the first time and sex takes place lust would be the major factor that would have created that chemistry, hardly any knowledge of background, personality or relevant information would have been shared within this time which does make a large difference in how sex can be sensual between the couple.

A couple who have known each other over a period of time maybe as friends or work colleagues and have never had any intimate involvement until their fist date would approach sex on the first date from another perspective because in some ways this can be experienced as making love rather than having sex because both partners have developed feelings for each other over a period of time and have got used to each others personality and habits which in turn makes it more relaxing, stimulating and special for both partners, added to this the relationship that was developed before any strong intimate contact started helped make a stronger bonding to the couple rather than feeling unsure and guilty when its over.

As you can see there is a big difference in how sex is approached on a first date especially the powerful sensuality that can be present during the love making.


Source by Clinton Paul

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