
Songwriting help comprises songwriting tips and services that help when writing and editing song lyrics. Services for songwriting help can write lyrics personally for you based on your specifications. Whether you need lyrics for R&B, Rap, Hip Hop, Country, Rock, or Pop, specialists are available to write new lyrics or edit your existing lyrics. The following are just a few of the tips for songwriting help that I have learned along the way.

Where to Start — Music First or Lyrics first?

An often asked questions from people seeking songwriting help is whether or not they should write the music first or the lyrics first. There is no right answer. Artists have been successful by using either method. Do whichever works best for you. If you are asking this question, then you are probably not yet sure which method works best for you. Try both and experiment to determine which method or methods are best suited to your style and specific song.

It is also worth noting that you may not always have a choice in whether to start with the lyrics or the instrumental track. As a   songwriter  for hire who offers songwriting help, I constantly switch from one method to the other. Sometimes the client has an excellent instrumental track but doesn’t yet have the lyrics. Other times, musicians already have the lyrics but don’t have the accompanying instrumental music. Services for songwriting help can assist with both aspects — the lyrics and the music. It is best to be able to work both ways and go back and forth between methods. This also provides more opportunities and sources for inspiration.


If you are writing to music, allow the melody to lead the way. Melody helps to define the mood and feelings. The melody can act as an inspiration for writing the song lyrics. It is important that the song lyrics and melody match in both feeling and rhythm.


Another tip I can provide for songwriting help is to expand your vocabulary. The vocabulary used for writing song lyrics is different than that of everyday speech. When writing song lyrics, you should use more interesting and descriptive words. Try to find different words other than the normal every day words in order to make your song lyrics more unique and expressive. This will help you to rhyme different words, and it will also make your lyrics unique, artistic, and clever.


Source by John Halas

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