Lyrics are one of the most important aspects of songwriting: They’re the first thing most people listen to, and they convey your song’s story more clearly than anything else. But they’re really hard, right? Language is so complicated and weird that many of the structural approaches we theorists like to take for chords and stuff just don’t work. Well, fortunately for us, we’re not the only ones asking these sorts of questions, and the answers are out there. We just have to look a little further afield.

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And thanks as well to Henry Reich, Eugene Bulkin, Logan Jones, Abram Thiessen, Anna Work, Oliver, Jc Bq, Dialup Salesman, Adam Neely, nico, Justin Donnell, Michael Fieseler, Rick Lees, Ben LaRose, rhandhom1, Harold Gonzales, Marc Himmelberger, Chris Borland, StarsServant, jason black,Nick Olman, Dutreuilh Olivier, Davis Sprague, Justin Bronstein, Justin Aungst, David Roulston, Dave Mayer, Thomás, billy roberts, Elliot Burke, Alex Atanasyan, Joey Strandquist, Daniel Gilchrist, Amlor, Greg Borenstein, Tim S., Elias Simon, Paul Quine, Anamol Pundle, David Tocknell, Jerry D. Brown, blalo’u, Christopher Wright, Lauren Steely, Fabian, Nikolay Semyonov, Ohad Lutzky, Jon White, Eivind Vatshaug, Josiah R. Hazel, Kurtis Commanda, Bate Goiko, James A. Thornton, Jacob Friend, Benjamin Cooper, Kevin, Joe Galetti, Arnas, CodenaCrow, Sarah Spath, Skylar J Eckdahl, Kristian Bredenbeck, John Bejarano, Gerhard Blab, drunkwookiee64, Brian Dinger, SD, Revolution Harmony, Aa Markus, Paul Apicella, Pawel Sit, David Barker, Adam Wurstmann, Dave Wray, Shadow Kat, Adam Kent, Michael Alan Dorman, Caroline Simpson, Lee Rennie, Richard T. Anderson, Thomas Schryver, Angela Flierman, Matthis Knopf, Kelsey Freese, Peter Wells, Zion Suppasan, Dan Lizotte, Seth Keller, Mark Feaver, Tyler Lukasiewicz, Kevin Johnson, Brian McCue, Kevin Hellon, Stephan Broek, Richard Walker, Wú QióngYu?n, Nathan Petchell, Blake Boyd, alex, Calvin Blitman, Magnus Guldbrandsen, Ross Relic, Stefan Strohmaier, Lilith Dawn, David Baker, Jonathan Beck, Dmitry Jemerov, Jason Foster, Ian Seymour, Brett Haines, christian madsen, Luke Rihn, Rob Holton, Devon Wilhelmy, Ben Horwood, Jaroslav fedor?ák, Allen Edwards, Brandon Lanning, Ryan Nicholls, ml cohen, Brandon Hamele, Darzzr, Rodrigo Roman, Francois LaPlante, Matthew Fox, Paper Coelacanth, Britt Ratliff, Patrick James Morley, Koen Hoogendoorn, Tae Wook Kim, Eddie O’Rourke, Ryan, Timothy Field, Jon Bauman, Drew Mazurek, Jacob Luedecke, Vincent Sanders, Victor L., Tommaso Ghidetti, JJ Deman, Volker Wegert, Linus Abrahamson, Matthew Kallend, Patrick Callier, JH, Joshua Gleitze, Ben Zotto, Jan Macek, Trevor, Michael McCormick, Charles Gaskell, Sylvain Chevalier, Yuriy Honcharuk, Roger Grosse, David Hardin, Jeremy Zolner, Leon Saleh, Valentin Lupachev, Paul Koester, and Danny! Your support helps make 12tone even better!

Also, thanks to Jareth Arnold and Jade Tan-Holmes for proofreading the script to make sure this all makes sense hopefully!


48 Replies to “The Secret To Writing Lyrics”

  1. remember, it's never just about lyrics, but also about how they go with the music. You can change the lyrics to fit the music better, or you can be creative with the way you sing them so that they fit the music better. But it's still practice that is most important.

  2. personally just start writing stuff down all the time. Doesnt matter what it is just write and your brain likes it when things rhyme and go together it will begin to do it naturally. Ofc go back revise and look at it more but the key is to pick up the dang pen and get to it

  3. I was analyzing this song-writer John Darnielle who has this band The Mountain Goats. He does this thing with lyrics where he there is this defiance, and this emotional punch. It has to do with how he writes lyrics and sets them to harmonies (and melodies). It is hard to come up with a simple word for what it is.

  4. Yo I really like this vid I learners heaps man I'm a new subscriber but I'll be looking out for more vids like this in the future good job bro ?

  5. I run into the issue of continuing to write knowing full well that a song typically becomes too personal when it’s overloaded with every little detail about that thing i began writing about. Simplifying and breaking it down to one main emotion or situation to talk about is where i really start to crumble. It’s fine in poetry, but it creates songs that are so personal to the writer that it excludes anyone listening. Anyone scouring the comments, am i making sense and do you have any advice?

  6. The way i write lyrics is by making an instrumental to sing along to, then taking my phone using the video camera and recording my self singing over and over improvising lyrics to the melody of the vocals that ive already pre-decided fits to the instrumental. Then i go back and find the stuff i tend to have said during each go through and find a thematical idea that i am subconsciously injecting into the song, then i flesh that idea out

  7. its a little tough for me to appreciate the watsky reference as a nice example of polysyllabic internal rhyme scheming when you had a phenomenally glorious tapestry of black artists in a mostly black genre that have both preceded and often greatly surpassed his undoubtedly solid technique at laying consistently structured internal rhymes. the choice to highlight him, given the aforementioned demographic context in terms of talent and precedence, seems like it was because he's white. That's fine, but wrestling with the "i chose one marginally above average emcee in a mostly black artist genre and he's neither the best at it nor the first to do it" might be interesting to better understand with regard to owning which pieces of music we are more inclined to both sponsor and appreciate, especially with a large audience.

  8. I’ve written hundreds of songs. My advice is don’t be afraid to write bad songs. Seriously you have to write bad songs to get good ones. And it’s a never ending cycle. You’ll have boughs of writing one great song after the next then you’ll write some songs that aren’t great, that’s okay. Just don’t be afraid to make songs that suck, because that’s the only way to get the good songs unstuck.

  9. As a rapper try to listen to the beat, and what comes to mind first use it. If you need it to rhyme use rhyme zone, take your time ignore everyone else and everything else you’ll be fine.

  10. The first coupe of bars are the toughest. But if they're fire, it really sets the tone for everything else after. I have so many partially writtens, it fills a bag.

  11. First time on your channel and this was fascinating to watch your flow and script line up with the images.. I can't even lie at first I wasn't sure what was going on until I started really paying attention. I think it's worth mentioning that this exercise alone of drawing images to match your vocabulary is probably an incredible exercise in improving associative lines and metaphors.. sometimes it's hard to think of a good tie-in to a concept. Breaking down the psychology is one thing, but clever expression and imagery is half of the creative journey. It's a prime way to exemplify "what do you think of when I say this".

  12. Lyrics are definitely super important but I find that melodies are even more so. That's why I started my youtube channel to share the songwriting process and create melodies to write lyrics to. Lyrics tend to come afterward more often than not.

  13. Did you doodle so we can get ideas for words because those objects can give our minds multiple meaning or it reminds us of different objects/words?

  14. When sarah gave birth and introduced me to Earth, I was wearing a che guevara shirt and spittin dirt at the nurse, the doctors swarmed the new born and could have sworn i had two horns and was chewing sweet corn.

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