Phil Wickham – How To Write A Worship Song | Watch The Full Video Here:
In this teaching, Phil Wickham shows how to write a worship song. Phil Wickham explains what the anchor of a song is, the importance of it and the process of finding your songs “why”. He also demonstrates constructing a song with the class and encourages students to help him dig deep in the lyric writing process. Watch the full video on how to write a worship song here:
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#philwickham #worshipu #songwriting
I am a songwriter and i am only 13 bit those moments when the Holy Spirit puts a song inside of you and you start writing and the words start flowing out and you feel so close in that moment is beautiful I actually wrote this comment while i was writing a song a i just want people to remember that God’s going to give you a song at just the right moment so don’t be upset if you just think one day that you want to write a song and don’t have the words it’s okay he will gibe it to you at just the right time
The Go?pel that ?aues and how to be ?aued acco?ding to the wo?d of God :
"1 MO?eouer b?eth?en , I declare vnto you the Go?pel which I p?eached vnto you, which al?o you haue receiued,and wherein yee ?tand.
2 By which also yee are ?aued , if yee keepe in memo?ie what I p?eached vnto you , vnle??e yee haue beleeued in vaine.
3 Fo? I deliuered vnto you fir?t of all , that which I al?o receiued , how that Ch?i?t died for our ?innes acco?ding to the Scriptures :
4 And that he was buried,and that he ro?e againe the third day acco?ding to the Scriptures."
– 1 Co?inthians 15:1-4 Holy Bible 1611
"9 That if thou ?halt confe??e with thy mouth the Lo?d Ie?us , and ?halt beleeue in thine heart , that God hath rai?ed him from the dead , thou ?halt be ?aued.
10 Fo? with the heart man beleeueth vnto righteou?ne??e,and with the mouth confe??ion is made vnto ?aluation.
11 Fo? the Scripture ?aith, Who?oeuer beleeueth on him , ?hall not bee a?hamed.
12 Fo? there is no difference betweene the Iew and the Greeke : fo? the ?ame Lo?d ouer all, is rich vnto all, that call vpon him.
13 Fo? who?oeuer ?hall call vpon the Name of the Lo?d,?hall be ?aued."
– Romanes 10:9-13 Holy Bible 1611
Something that has been drawing me is seeing a phrase or word that seems to pull at my spirit, I’ll jot it down and mull it over and then it just flows.. or not. There is such a stirring in my heart to write worship songs!
haha, Phil talking about the God who's done great things, and hes released a song called 'Great Things!'
I'm a brand new Chrsitian songwriter/pianist/guitarist along with one of my best friends, who does the vocals. It took us two months but we finished our first song just two weeks ago. Everything Phil said here is true. Before I wrote for Christ (and before I was saved), I had such a hard time with writing. But when I got saved, me and my friend were in a storage room in our church. There was an old keyboard in there, and we just started playing and singing randomly. I remember our first song we played was Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) by Chris Tomlin. I don't exactly remember how it happened, but we started talking about how God Knows all of our pains. He knows the trials that we face. He holds everything in store for us. And that He's never going to let us walk alone. I started playing some chords on the piano and my friend started singing. We just started singing. We sung about God's great love. And I feel God showed us something, something that we hadn't felt. We wrote the original draft. We transposed different versions. We took a guitar to our church picnic and we played for several people. And everything fell into place. Our music director, who writes songs as well, approved of the lyrics and the song. Our senior and assistant pastors approved. We feel Good wants us to play for Him. The song is on YouTube and you can look up Bryson Motion Pictures if you want to hear it, but most importantly, God is using two teenagers from Clayton NC to help others. It's truly amazing. Trust me, I would know
Pray & seek the anointing of the Holy Spirit to write, sing and compose and you will be amazed in the end result- melodies & lyrics that exalts our ABBA father, our Savior Jesus and transforms the listeners for eternity.
Thanks for your occasional chord strumming, Im able to write a whole lyric for my chorus. Such an inspiration.
Which guitar is this??? it sounds amazing !!
This is really deep. Praise the Lord ?
I appreciate the LOTR reference. ???
Man writing ?? songs are not easy at all.
What model Taylor is that?
As an academically trained musician and an ardent Christian… I can say this is very high quality, but as comedy routine, not music… I mean, I can get behind Christian music of all flavors. I even think the finnish metal mass is workable… but this is not at all musical nor creative and not even Christian… he mentioned Christ not one time in his entire spill. I write a tremendous amount of trxts and music, I am an academic musician trained to understand music at its deepest levels and so I can actually follow this man from start to finish artistically and he goes no where. Intentionally I hope. The compulsive strumming of a G major chord at random was a nice touch though… I do not hide behind screens. 575 408 0881. Call if you want to have an intellegent conversation in disagreement. If you just want to whine ineffectually then I don't have time today, I am sorry if I offended anyone, but this is… well, very bad artistically.
strum… strum… and more strums!
God makes me feel so good and the words just flow out of me and I sing them.
Love this. Gonna come back to this. I am not a songwriter but this is inspirational.
Seeing this on 2021 *trying to write a song*
hes in Eb standard.. interesting
This has changed my whole mindset about writing!
This is amazing, thank you so much for tips, and it was awesome to see you come up with a song on the spot. May continue to use you and to reach as many people and bring them to his kingdom.
This was super helpful!
Barf out the best idea.
That's my issue!
This is amazing ??
I’ve watched this 5 times and still come back for more! 🙂
really nice sounding chord progression. what chords?
Phil Wickham is literaly the best songwriter and i believe he is sooo filled with the holy spirit. U da man?
This guy is a good songwriter, nice lyrics.
This is pretty much my writing process
How to write lame songs ?
Phil thank you! You gave me so much clarity and i know through god i can stay strong and jeep looking to him and complete what he has given me to do. I know this is a year old but new to me for just seeing this haha
my friend Hunter wrote a song called “Faithful” it’s literally so amazing and has so much truth in it. i love that song. not because my friend wrote it, but because of the meaning. it’s on apple music. it’s called “Faithful by One Way Worship”
I'm glad that God blessed me with the chance to write music for him during lockdown here in the UK. I find i start with a word, searching for passages in the Bible and writing lyrics from there – this one being my most recent. I hope you enjoy it and that God blesses you through it
So Good Phil!
My heart is in writing songs of worship to God and I've only written couple of lines. I feel the holy spirit nudging me
Really helpful. Thank you so much
Keep up the good work my Brother i want you to subscribe to my channel oneil tv i have some exciting music video
My first cousin is Jaci Velasquez and her father (My uncle David) told it to me like this when I told him I want to be a song writer- It's either in you or it's not. No way I'm going to be an NFL quarterback in the next 3 years. I did not play growing up, I did not practice and train like the others, and most importantly, I did not fall in love with that dream. Focus on your strengths and the things that you do have and the rest will fall in place like tetris if you're working diligently at it.
I needed this. I want to write and create for God soon someday but I struggle with writing and I often focus on the wrong stuff when trying to write! I love Phil, love his music, and he's a great songwriter who's inspired me greatly.
I just released my first song. I’ve never released music before so this is a first for me.
I’d love for you all to have a listen and provide feedback! It’s under my group name BOC and the song is called Be Free.
Here is the link:
I’m a little late, but thank you soooooooo much. I’ve been struggling with this, I’ve had ideas but never been able to put it into song. My voice isn’t a singing voice which is the hardest part, I don’t know if that chords go with the voice