Every tip from “How to Write a Worship Song (In 5 Minutes or Less)” in ONE SONG!
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How to Write a Worship Song (In 5 Minutes or Less):


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36 Replies to “"A Worship Song Written in 5 Minutes" FULL VERSION!”

  1. I was briefly homeless (in college) and staying at a Christian shelter years ago, they played this CONSTANTLY IN THE HALLWAY. I was so freaking annoyed with it.

    So funny ? & accurate ?

    I'm Catholic & the place was a protestant nonprofit group- we were required to go to "chapel" in order to stay there, among other things.

    The coolest chef I met, played Eminem in the kitchen in protest.

    I can't listen to this generic Christian music ever ? omg.


    Sharing some quick insight, homelessness is dangerous, hostile, unpredictable & incredibly isolating. It traps you in numerous ways, you're unable to get out simply because you are homeless- kind of hard to convey here.
    Having to lie to employers about where I lived, because something is "wrong with you" if you dont have stable housing.

    No one decides to become homeless, its structural violence, an outcome of our society with growing inequality.
    Whereever you are, it gets better if you hold on just a little longer.

    All the best,

  2. We see this as funny because we know it is so close to the crap some churches actually do sing. That's fine. Let them have their fun. Stay in your church and keep away from us.

    The problem comes when one of our misguided saints thinks that we should bring this into our church, and the dimwit Pastor approves it!.
    • Up goes the screen. Out go the hymnbooks.
    • In comes the garage band. Out goes the organ, piano, orchestra, etc.
    The amazing part is when people start thinking God is pleased with this nonsense.

  3. Dude, these bland repetitive songs with no heart to them aren't just cringy. . . They actually steal glory from God. Endless hallelujahs, everything sounds the same. . . . These songs are supposed to be "just like what we're gonna sing in heaven forever", but they're so TASTELESS that it makes that sound more like hell! If I was an unbeliever visiting church for the first time and heard such repetitive pop that many churches play, I'd be like "Singing THIS in heaven for eternity? No thanks!" Can we please go back to stuff like hymns, church cantatas, the Hallelujah chorus, ANYTHING more profound and meaningful and involving actual creativity, inspiration, and musical skill??

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