I spoke to a handful of up-coming artists, producers and songwriters in Detroit during my BLAP SESSIONS (Pass The Aux) Tour and spoke about: How to split a song when doing split sheets, the strategy behind releasing one song at a time as opposed to releasing a full length album when you don’t have a big fanbase yet, using Soundcloud to “test” records and feel out the market, getting analytics and creating a campaign around that.

Interested in coming to one of my events? GO HERE – https://illmindproducer.com/products/pass-the-aux-2019-global-tour-in-studio-sessions-with-llmind

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Illmind is a Grammy Nominated Multi-Platinum music producer, having produced records for Kanye West, Drake, J Cole, Future, Lil Uzi Vert, Hamilton on Broadway + music for film/tv including Disney & more. He is also a pioneer in the “producer drum-kit” marketplace with his popular drum kit series “BLAP-KITS”.

Interested in meeting Illmind? Go HERE: https://illmindproducer.com/collections/tickets

For more information on Illmind, check out his website at http://www.illmindproducer.com

Interested in subscribing to Illmind’s podcast “Blap Chat”? Go HERE: https://itunes.apple.com/gd/podcast/blapchat/id1125519176?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D2

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20 Replies to “ADVICE ON SONG SPLITS for artists, producers, songwriters | Illmind BLAP:CAM 096”

  1. When some Dude starts telling me about producing and selling my ****, my first thought is ¨ Where did this Dude learn the English language ¨? My second thought is, ¨ What does this Dude know about The Music Business when he never spent any time learning the language he uses to communicate with ¨? My next thought is, ¨ Find someone who has done both¨

  2. There’s no such thing as writer performer or writer producer in America, that’s happens in Europe. In America everyone is just a “writer” and there is no standard on how a producer and singer split royalties which is why so many producers end up getting way less than half of the writer’s portion and can never sue for it.

  3. I'm a little confused and was wondering if anyone can help me. If a song is created by a band trio, do all three members of the band sign up with ASCAP or BMI? Or should all three members have their own publishing company? For example, my band has three independently released albums in the last decade, but they're all registered under the singer's publishing company he made up called Resonant Music. I never questioned it as I told him it was ok to put under his since I didn't have one and wasn't sure how it worked. Is there anything wrong in this situation? Should all three of us (drummer and bassist as well) have created our own "publishing companies" and also registered the same songs under ours? Or should we all just use the one company "Resonant Music"? Does it allow you to split up between multiple people even if you use one single company name on ASCAP or BMI? All of our releases are through Tunecore which pays to one account anyway which we all share. So far our band has made very little in streams or sales so there hasn't been any kind of issue at all. Please someone help me with this if you happen to know this type of situation! Thank you for your time!

  4. Hi,
    I need advice on a issue i have.
    I teamed up with a songwriter so we can send songs to major labels/artists.
    Now i wanna know how will she be credited (songwriter) for example if the major artist took one line out of her lyrics or if the artist used a bit of her melody, whether it’s just a tiny bit or more than 50%….
    Please help me, i thank you in advance for your time.

  5. Yo weird question. In a lot of the producer agreements on beatstars, they say the producer owns 100% of publishing and 50% songwriting leaving the artist with 50% songwriting….based off what you said with matching the publishing shares to songwriting shares, does this not make sense?

  6. I am so confused by the song splits. How does 25= 12.5? I thought there were two sides Writing and publishing. Where does the composing side come in? Is that on the writing side? So then composing is 25% and writing is 25% on the writers side. Wow what a headache ? Hahahah

  7. hi! thank you for this informative video. I have a question: so if im doing a split sheet with an artist, is there two ipi numbers that we need? one for the publisher and one for the writers…lets say for ascap. or the one ipi number that comes up will cover both the publishing and writers share?

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