Ralph Murphy talks to Loyola University Students about what it takes to write a successful song.


47 Replies to “Ralph Murphy Lecture – How to be Successful at Songwriting”

  1. So true what he said about small towns people do act like anybody can do what I do with music. Thank God for the internet I can circumvent this small and share my music with the entire world

  2. I actually see a lot of comments from “older folks” criticizing the comments of “younger folks” because the “younger folks” don’t understand the “big machine” that is the music industry. In reality I think “older folks” are so beyond out of touch with the music industry in a lot of cases these days that they can’t even begin to understand. Artists no longer need to pander to labels and sellout to make money. Artists & listeners control the industry in today’s world. It’s no longer about listening to whatever someone decides is worthy of radio play. Listeners have an incredible amount of songs at their fingertips and they play anything that they feel like playing at any given time. Sure, artists don’t make as much as they did before but at least now there is a stronger sense of integrity to the music that is out there. Can’t stand old people who think that they know everything. Fucking infuriating. (I’m not necessarily referring to the guy in this video)

  3. This isn't about "making music". This is about writing pop songs as a job. It's a job. If that's what sort of work you're after, this guy is on point. If you wan't to make art, the world will always need art. Keep doing it, please. If you want to make a living writing songs for top 40 pop & country radio, listen to people like this. Both are totally reasonable pursuits. (RIP Ralph Murphy)

  4. Buildings come in many shapes and sizes, but if you don't follow some engineering fundamentals, the results will likely suffer. Very enlightening talk.

  5. I am so sad to hear Ralph has passed away. I learned a lot from him sitting one on one. I made really believe I was good enough to be here. Such a talented man and real nice guy…. R.I.P.

  6. Really sad to hear Ralph is no longer with us.
    It’s five years since I last met him but in the twenty years since I first met him, he’s always struck me as one of the most decent people in the music business.
    I’m still a 10 o’clock at night person and Ralph respected that too.

  7. Pretty sure according to copyright law you could keep all the examples at volume because it’s for educational purposes and not entertainment. But hey I get he’s protecting his message. Whatever. And think about it, if he can’t play it for us he shouldn’t be using it in his lecture either. It’s the same purpose.

  8. This would be a great song subject. I am writing this song because it is not like other songs.
    Let's be creative, but use what he is saying in subject and theory.

  9. Whoa, this guy is exactly like Trump.

    So this guy said there's no such thing as amateur songwriters, only professional songwriters. You can't even start writing until you're a professional, so nobody but him I guess can ever be a songwriter.

    He's a pretentious douchebag who should be ignored, and he's not a songwriter or a musician anyway. He's a businessman, and he's completely full of shit.

  10. I got to 1 1/2 hours with one on one listening to my songs. I was not in fetal position crying after the meeting. I felt pretty about my writing.

  11. no wonder every song on the radio sounds the same year after year, its all written by same five people using these rules. I just wonder whether our taste as a "human animals" is really that crappy or its actually pushed on us.

  12. The minute he mentioned putting that Dr down when she said she was a song writer, he lost my attention.

    You only have to walk about the streets of most cities and you will hear some wonderful buskers who write their own music, but they don't make it because it is really a "who you know" business.

  13. People hate hearing all of this because they're determined to believe that good songs appear as magic. Learning there's a science behind it makes them realize it's a learnable skill. And if they're not doing it, it's not the fault of the magic. They have to take ownership and learn. Instead of feeling confronted or insulted by that, take it as inspiration! Learn! This video is pure gold. Instead of fighting your ego, learn! Much love to you all. Keep writing.

  14. After watching the whole video I have to say, that being a succesful musician comes in two parts: writing for yourself, and writing for your audience. If you do it only for yourself, its harder to penetrate in the music business, and actually make real money with it. But if you only write for the money, you start to lose the spiritual aspect of music that actually made you want to pursue a career being a musician. I think Ralph is being totally real about it, and the truth not always is something that you will like.

    This is fucking amazing, it made me think deeply about the power that music really has.

  15. I try to tell myself that it's time to hold on, but like fragile leaves against the wind, it's a delicate balance and to break is to give in… Copywritten from a song I wrote in 1994…. Rexx Michael's.

  16. Nobody can teach you how to be succesful on the craft of songwrting, it's something you are born with. I remember a documentary about the Carpenters and how Richard wrote the songs for Karen, experts noticied how he surpassed many professional in their own field having studied no musical theory at all!

  17. wow. I've been watching a few lectures about this. This is one of the best, but they have different subtopics. I just wish I'd been exposed to the basic facts about lyric writing decades ago. Not knowing this stuff can really screw you up if you try to write without understanding any of this..if you just try to 'express yourself'. You will think you are hugely artistically retarded ! But now it's clear that at least a big part of it is that it is simply very difficult and involved, and probably even fair to call 'unnatural' for many that find music making 'natural'. I think this is a very common, widespread, typical misconception about lyric making… that it's much easier than it actually is. If that wasn't true, I would have gained these basic insights years ago, and been spared the inappropriate self-criticism. That is still some small relief in retrospect, but one can't roll back the clock. The concepts might not make one a writer, but knowing how involved it really is can keep you from getting screwed up by not being about to do it as readily as making melodies/rhythms etc.. Making music does NOT prepare you for writing lyrics…and lyrics are not something you can just 'sprinkle in spontaneously' after making chord progressions, melodies, etc.

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