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Today we talk about PROCESS, the nuts and bolts of how to go about writing a song. What do you start with? How do you do it?

stephin merritt:

Hey, Defriender:
Quantum Decoupling:
What A Glorious Space To Dwell:
End of the World Dance:

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22 Replies to “The Process of Songwriting”

  1. I try to come up with a guitar riff or intro that I like. Then free write untill I come up with a subject and or flow..Then Sing my words and see what chords come out as I rough edit the words and hopefully it leads me to a chorus. (search "gothic beach" here on youtube and see what I mean)?

  2. Love ya man.

    I had a "band" when I was in high school. It was a "joke" band, but only because I couldn't find a "real" band.

    We'd record 10 ideas…funny or whatever, just off the top of our head. We can up with TONS….hundreds of ideas that I STILL love.

    So yeah. It's about productivity.

  3. In SpinTunes a lot of the musicians will write a song bio to go with the song. Which is just a break down of the process that went into writing the song the turned in. It's interesting to read all the different approaches people have.

  4. I usually come up with a chord progression that I like and then sort of piece together a melody and basic form. Usually I don't come up with lyrics until after I have the form down, but sometimes the lyrics come while I'm working on the melodies. Then once I have the form down, I record the instruments, usually starting with writing out a drum part in Finale to keep time and make a sound file to record off of.

  5. When I did song-a-day, I found having an arsenal of writing modes helped keep everything fresh. This song is written on a guitar. This song started with the drums. That song starts with a voice. This song starts with lyrics. This song rocks. That song is soothing and ambient. That song is abrasive. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Hey, John! I've been wondering how you're ukulele sounds like that and I saw in one of your songs that it has a hole in it. Is that what makes it sound like it sounds? And is there a specific way to do it? By the way, love the How I Write A Song A Day series, keep it going!
    P.S.: You have a cool wall.

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