Today’s video is a DEEP DIVE into the world of country music, and I’m determined to figure out if the stereotypes people have about modern country songwriting are actually true. Is it REALLY all about beer and trucks and girls and blue jeans? Are all the lyrics REALLY the same? To find out, I maintained a spreadsheet of every country song that has reached the Top 30 of Billboard’s Country Airplay chart for the past six years (2014-2019) and then crunched a whole lot of data.

00:00 – Intro
02:20 – Building my ultimate country lyric spreadsheet
04:33 – Initial findings in country music from 2014-2016
06:16- The 5 most popular words in country music
10:16 – TRUCK stereotype testing
12:44 – GIRL stereotype testing
14:26 – JEANS stereotype testing
15:14 – BEER stereotype testing
16:21 – Writing my OWN basic country song

Country Lyrics Raw Data (viewable in Google Sheets):

Dana’s Crunched Data Report:


Why Country Music Was Awful in 2013:
This beat is killing country music:
Boyfriend Country is the New Bro Country:

Find Grady:
My Spotify playlist:


39 Replies to “Every country song has these lyrics. Right?”

  1. This is, bar none, the hardest I have ever worked on a video, and I hope it's entertaining and that it helps drive forward the conversation about country music! Love all y'all little back road truckers. YEAH.

  2. I was going to thumbs up and sub, but then you used the Office clip at the very end, you know, that original reaction that every YouTuber uses for a reaction that never should've been a trend. So for that you've earned a dislike and a Never Recommend Channel again

  3. Modern country be like:
    -ignore opioid/meth/alcoholism epidemic
    -ignore the fact small towns have no women or young people because there’s zero culture or economic opportunity
    -ignore and deny the actual beliefs of rural people
    -include unrealistic diversity in their videos
    -talk about sex in the most immature way possible
    -glorify consumerism “muh big truck muh dip”
    -“ahm nawt racist look at mah black friieeend”

  4. My nephew wants to be a country rapper. A crapper. So I looked up popular country things and wound up here. He will never be a crapper (thank god) bu I atleast offered 5 words to be mindful of.

  5. I love how the youtube aLgOrItHm is usually pretty good but it won't recommend the "Country Music was awful in 2013" vid you referenced and now I have to go manually search it. ?

    also, you and I have vastly different approaches to how we manage our desktops (3:08) lmao

  6. Romance languages affix "little" to nouns to make a new nouns. "Ini" in Italian, "ito" in Spanish and "inho" in Portuguese are three examples. So it's no dark horse surprise, it's how humans often reference stuff. Nonetheless, it's fantastic how Grady scientifically proves just how awful this music is.

  7. Whoa pardner, clean up yo damn desk top. That's a mess waiting to be a disaster! You know you can file things in alphabetical order like a file cabinet in real life, right? Just kidding on some this…well, not really after looking at it again at 3:08. Clean it up now or you will not go to anymore hill billy'n, goat roper'n, gittar strumm'n gather'n again! There is no excuse for this abomination!

  8. Someone computer generated a very amusing mashup of current country songs. They put them all in the same key at the same tempo and mashed them into one song to show how unimaginative and interchangeable they are. It was all 30 and 40 year old men wanting to do the same girl in the same truck at the same time. It was that spinal tap moment that ended hair metal or the disco demolition a generation earlier. It reminds me of pop music in 1963, the year before the Beatles broke through. Ten of the top 100 songs of the year had the word twist in them. And there were any number of other lame dance craze songs, like Elvis and the infamous clam dance. This is how unimaginative music had become. And every other manufactured teen idol was named Frankie this or Bobby that. Just like these douchey country bros now, like cole, Blake, whatever. Ten years from now people will still be shaking their heads

  9. Don’t sell yourself short, Grady. That song was a big improvement over 99% of the bro country check list songs on the radio. We don’t have dirt roads here in Pennsylvania. No we pave every square inch and then we don’t maintain it. Pennsylvania is the land of potholes

  10. This is awesome! Thanks so much for scientifically explaining why I hate modern country so much. God I hate this crap and I'm forced to listen to it all the time. I'm constantly looking around wondering how other people don't realize every song sounds exactly the same. Basically the same tempo, same chord progression, same production, same lyrics…OMG, please make it stop!

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