Learn more at http://www.HowToWriteaSong.net – This video is actually a challenge getting you to use all the tools, tips and techniques I’ve discussed over the course of these 8 videos. Essential songwriting techniques!

Learn more at www.UltimateSongwritingLessons .com


26 Replies to “How to Write a Song #8 – Songwriting Challenge”

  1. Does anyone know where i can get the ebook for these videos? i have tried both sites and they are no longer up and running. I can't even search for them online. Help? anyone plz?

  2. This is super helpful! Thanks for posting this. I'm in the middle of writing 100 songs in 100 days on my channel and have a few tips of my own if anyone's interested. Would love to hear anyone's thoughts / advice / etc.

    1. Don't give up on songs too early! In forcing myself to finish a song a day, I've had many songs that I would've trashed halfway through if I didn't set this deadline, and have been pleasantly surprised with all of them. Any finished song is infinitely better than a half finished song that was never finished.
    2. Set some constraints! The hardest essays have no prompts. Force yourself to include a certain word or phrase in your lyrics, common or uncommon. Force yourself to write a chorus with only 3 words. Force yourself to use a concept you heard in another song, or to finish a song in a day. Constraints require you to come up with ideas you would have never thought of otherwise and facilitate creativity.
    3. And some random "writer's block" tips: try moving things around (switch lines in the chorus, make the first verse the second verse); exercise and eat a small snack (5-10 minute walk and peanuts will do) and come right back to it; ask songwriter friends for advice and opinions, and ALWAYS return the favor!

    Let me know if you have any tips, and thanks again for this video!

  3. I was wondering where I can find that  The ultimate songwriting handbook and the other title 300 songwriting ideas? Can't seem to find them as advertised here. Thanks in advance

  4. the weirdest thing just happened. before finishing this video i was thinking about your song structure video. and then i started to think about tomorrow never knows because ive been listening to alotta beatles lately and then outa nowhere you incorporate that SPECIFIC song in your video.. which is totally unrelated.  what a strange coincidence………..

  5. He means two chords in relation to the key at the time.
    e.g. if you start in the key of G major and your two chords are G and D then change the C major you can now use C and G but must not use D anymore. All the time you are only using chords I and V or the tonic and dominant.

  6. If you can only use one or two chords, then a key change is impossible, right? So you are kind of contradicting yourself? Plus I hear more than 2 chords in at least one of your examples…

  7. I have actually set myself the challenge of writing a song this year but was planning to only write the lyrics. You have inspired me to put a bit more work in and come up with the tune. I'll get back to you with the result

  8. Why would you put the Lenny Cravitz version of American Woman up here instaed of The Guess Who, whom actually wrote the song? Kinda wierd mate. Great videos though.

  9. @Ultimate Songwriting this is the first time I looked at videos explaining songwriting. I have been writing songs for about 7 years now and I always find new and interesting things. I honestly would like opinions for my lyrics do to the fact that when people look a lyrics its just words rather then music…currently learning to play the guitar learning how to put words into music??? anyhow I willing to share..

  10. @Ultimate Songwriting this is the first time I looked at videos explaining songwriting. I have been writing songs for about 7 years now and I always find new and interesting things. I honestly would like opinions for my lyrics do to the fact that when people look a lyrics its just words rather then music…currently learning to play the guitar learning how to put words into music??? anyhow I willing to share..

  11. I have been writing songs for a very long time and I always wanted someone who critique them. Im hoping you will take a look at them:) And give an honest critique…am willing to share them with those who are interested in this craft….

  12. Hey, thanks for the comment 🙂

    Well, I just want to get going as fast as possible.
    I am actually more comfortable singing than playing guitar, so that is not a problem. I will be posting some new videos with me singing in a while. I have tried to write a bit, but it just got cheesy cliché words all the way. I have had a little break from writing now, but I'll get to back to it 😉
    Yeah, I would love to hear them!

    Trust me, I will never give up. This is my thing.

  13. All of this stuff is stuff I've heard while studying song writing on the internet, but this is by far the best and most understandable way the info has been presented

  14. Your videos are some of the best and most sensible to the point insights into songwriting I've ever seen. You're like a guru man. And I've been writing for a long time and have even sold a song in Nashville a while back, but I still feel lost on great changes and hooks. But you have… IT. It's great I love it. I'm a single parent and don't have a lot of money to throw around at the moment. But when I do get the cash I'm getting your books for sure. You rock!!!

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